Today, Camilla was invited to her friends', Roman and Nicolas, 3rd birthday party at My Gym in Palo Alto. Camilla had a great time, especially, playing with the colorful balls in the ball pit. Now, this is what I call serious play.
And of course, when there's a birthday party, there's cake. Yum!
Here's Camilla with Roman and Nico when they were all little (at ~8mos.):
Happy Birthday, Roman & Nico!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tonight, Camilla and I dropped by at the YCombinator weekly meeting, which also happens to be where Anybots is located. Camilla had a great time exploring the premises as well as making a couple of new friends.
This is Monty, he gets around on wheels very similar to how a Segway gets around.
This is Dexter. He's known as a biped robot. Notice his stylish Converse sneakers?
Camilla has a new friend! Welcome to the world, Rohan! We're looking forward to a playdate with you.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I would often find Camilla just sitting on the floor flipping through the pages of her books. She's very good at finding something to do to entertain herself and this is one of my favorite activities in that A) this activity is beneficial to her emerging literacy skills B) it's an activity that is very quiet C) reading is generally a non-destructive/non-messy activity. And above all, she just looks so darn cute doing it. Camilla reading "Teletubbies: It's Tubby Bedtime!"
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Nap time Sweet dreams, Camilla-girl
We felt it wasn't enough to just hear Camilla in her room via her monitor, we wanted to check on her visually as well. Frequently going into her room proved to be too disruptive, so Paul installed a camera that looks down on to her crib. I see she's awake now. I better attend to her.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Camilla's bedtime routine in action:
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I decided to try my hand at making Camilla a dress. I think I did a decent job and it seems to fit her nicely enough. As you can see, Camilla is more than happy to test the durability of her new dress. So cute!
Monday, March 17, 2008
There's a preschooler in our midst
Our intrepid explorer loves the outdoors.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Camilla LOVES pizza!
I was remiss in not posting any pictures during our trip to Lake Tahoe back in February. Here are some for your enjoyment. A beautiful Lake Tahoe sunset
Look at all that snow!
Camilla getting some leafy greens into her diet
Quality time with Daddy
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hi there, peanut! Taken at 19 weeks gestation
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Our friends, Eric and Ayala, came to visit all the way from Israel. The first order of business was a drum circle. For the few of you who know Eric, you would find this very appropriate. Watching Camilla and Eric during their jam session was like seeing two kindred spirits reunited.